The prestigious Fife and Drum Corps and U.S. Army Drill team will offer a free performance at the National Infantry Museum at 11 a.m. Saturday, February 7, 2015.

The teams are part of the Army’s elite Old Guard. They perform patriotic music and precise marching and rifle drills at some of the nation’s biggest events, including Presidential inaugurations, the Rose Bowl Parade and the Kentucky Derby.

The Fife and Drum Corps, wearing Colonial redcoats and tricorn hats, perform on handmade, rope-tensioned drums, single-valve bugles and 10-hole wooden fifes, creating a sound that is unmatched in both quality and style. The instruments are styled after those used in the American Revolution, when fifes, drums and bugles were at the heart of battle as the primary means of communication.

The U.S. Army Drill Team performs breathtaking routines using bayonet-tipped 1903 Springfield rifles. Soldiers are selected for this elite unit after six months of rigorous and competitive drill practice. To execute their complicated routines as close to perfection as possible, the team practices constantly.

The performance will take place in the museum’s lobby. It is free and open to the community.